HyperMap your Interests

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Build a HyperMap of your Interests by hyperlinking search terms and records of your thoughts to Posts.
Digitally Remix Posts and Thoughts as HyperPosts
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"Mention" relevant posts and thoughts, not just people in your HyperPosts. Starting from these links gain access to entire connected neighborhood of Posts, People and Thoughts.
Create and share narrative trails in Hyperpost
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Along with your story HyperPost gives access to entire neighborhoods of connected Posts, People and Thoughts
Organize your Post stream

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Import Posts of interest from your Google+ stream, incorporating them into the HyperPost app, so you can better capture their meaning and enrich them through associations.
Search Google+ in HyperPost

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HyperPost captures all your search terms. This generates micro-Collections of posts.
Organize Google+ Search Results
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Posts in search results are linked automatically to the people who posted them. When focusing on a specific person, all their posts are shown.
Related Tags

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Google+ no longer gives you the ability to see related tags.
Serendipity Engine for a Digital Pensieve 
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Discover valuable things as you extract associative trails from your HyperMap as from "Digital Pensieve" with a built Serendipity Engine.
Create Hyperlinks to People in posts
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In Google+ if you wish to link to a person in a post, you need only type a '+' sign, and select from an incremental search result popup.
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In Hyperpost not only can you link to people you can also link to posts. You need only type a '-' sign, and select from an incremental search result popup.
Hyper Map contexts of your learnings
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Capture the Intertwingularity of Posts, and people, and ideas, and interests, as connected things.
Tell a Story
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When exploring a connected neighbourhood of links between posts, people, ideas, and interests, starting at any point will tell its own story.
HyperMap territories of Interests
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HyperMaps let's you connect everything via labelled bidirectional hyperlinks, as envisaged by Ted Nelson over half a century ago.
Share your HyperPosts
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Sharing a HyperPost generates a self contained HTML file, which is then saved on your Google Drive.
Interacting with HyperPosts posted to Google+
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